Friday 1 January 2021

Checking in at the Percy Island Yacht Club - 2020 Ep 11 – Another Great Barrier Reef Paradise


See the full YouTube - Dreamtime Sail Episode 11

After a relaxing stop on our Whitby 42 ketch in the Duke Island Group we sail to Middle Percy Island, THE must visit destination high on all Australian cruisers bucket list and check out the iconic ‘Percy Island Yacht Club’ A-Frame. Visiting yachties have been leaving their mark at the Great Barrier Reef paradise for decades with thousands of pieces of sailing memorabilia now displayed in the hut. 

The view of West Bay from the A-Frame's upper deck.

Karen first visited the island as a child and has vivid memories of stories told to her by Andy Martin, the legendary lease holder who established Middle Percy as a cruiser’s haven through his hospitality over 32 years on the island. During this stay, she was delighted to meet Andy’s niece, Cate, at the island’s homestead and reminisce about those times.

Rob & Karen with Cate, the island's custodian and generous host.

You can read about previous visits to Middle Percy Island on Our dreamtime at

Eating Goat Stew on Middle Percy Island

Middle Percy Island - The Cruisers' Barrier Reef 'Must Visit' Island

In ‘Our Galley’ Karen shows you how to whip up a delicious meal of Mediterranean Inspired Mackerel Fillets in just minutes.

We caught this nice spotty mackerel as we approached Middle Percy Island

In 'Our Galley' Karen show's how to whip up Mediterranean Inspired Mackerel Fillets in just minutes.

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