Sunday 14 January 2018

'Our Dreamtime' featured in State's most popular newspaper.

Pic by Jamie Hanson - Sunday Mail

The January 14 edition of the Sunday Mail newspaper here in Queensland featured a three page article about three different couples living aboard boats. We were lucky enough to be one of  those featured talking about how we became cruisers and our life on Our Dreamtime. As the Sunday Mail is read by around 700,000 people each week, it was a nice piece of positive media promoting the live aboard lifestyle. The feature article was written by the Sunday Mail's Kay Dibben, a Women Who Sail Australia member.  Jamie Hanson shot the cool photos. Thanks team. You did a great job.

Here is a link to the article on the Sunday Mail / Courier Mail website.

 'Wave Goodbye to Nine to Five' by Kay Dibben

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Thursday 11 January 2018

Our Galley's Latest Blog Juicing or Smoothies which is healthier?

Juicing and smoothies are all the rage right now. While both can boost your fruit and vegetable intake and are great for getting a variety of produce into your diet, one is the better choice. But which one? find out in Our Galley latest blog with 6 great recipes, to get you started.

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