July 2 – 4 2016
a couple of very pleasant days in Pearl Bay we recommenced our push north with
a series of island hops planned. We were up before 5.00am to be ready to up
anchor as the pre-dawn light began to appear in the eastern sky. This area
experiences very strong tidal currents and we were keen to get as close to
clearing Cape Townsend as we could before the tide turned and a huge amount of
water began flowing out of Shoalwater Bay creating anything up to four knots of
adverse current.
The moon still in the sky in the predawn light over Pearl Bay. |
motor sailed north out of Pearl Bay and once clear of the nearby islands found
the wind again blowing from the south east right behind us at 15-20 knots accompanied
by a reasonable sized swell. With the favourable current generated by the last three
hours of incoming tide, our GPS was showing speeds consistently up in the high
eight and low nine knot region allowing us to cover a lot of ground very
Early morning starts have been the norm on our way north. |
The cliffs guarding the mouth of Island Head Creek |
original planned destination was Hexham Island but the anchorage is well known
to be uncomfortable in a well established south easterly swell. Considering the
size of the swells we were experiencing we decided we would be better off going
to Hunter Island in the Dukes group instead. As we passed Island Head Creek we
reworked our route in the chart plotter and changed course more to the west. It’s
great to have a Plan B.
The first part of our trip was quick thanks to some serious assistance from the tidal current. |
our current boost disappeared as we approached the Cape. It seemed to take
forever to round its rocky cliffs. Once we did we were then caught up with the
outgoing current which was running diagonally against us from port to
starboard. Although it slowed our speed considerably, it wasn’t all bad as it
also pushed us north so we were then able point the boat almost due west
improving our wind angle considerably while our GPS track continued on its
north westerly trajectory towards Hunter Island.
It was great to finally leave Cape Townsend in our wake. |
Not every meal on Our Dreamtime is Master Chef. Meat pie lunch underway this time. |
grew painfully slower and slower and by the time we reached the Broad Sound
Channel we were down below three knots
at times. The good news was we landed a really nice 80cm spotty mackerel. The
bad news was that as it jumped around on the deck it managed do dislodge the
lure from its mouth and deposit it Karen’s leg. The trace was wrapped around
the fish and as it thrashed it pulled the hook out of Karen before we could
stop it leaving her with a very nasty gash. She took great delight in cutting
its throat and gutting it before leaving the rest to Rob while she patched
herself up.
Nurse Karen performing first aid on patient Karen |
A photo of the assailant, the mackerel not Rob. |
the wind was easing the swell was not. We hadn’t been to Hunter Island before
and despite Alan Lucas’s pilot guide, Cruising
the Coral Coast, saying ‘The best
anchorage during developed southeast winds is under the lee of Hunter Island,’
looking at the charts we became a bit sceptical about how much of the current
sizable swell would roll around the point into the anchorage.
then elected to change course to an anchorage on the northern side of Marble
Island shown in our other cruising guide for this area, Noel Patrick’s Curtis Coast. It’s great to have a Plan C.
Approaching Marble Island in the Dukes group. |
made our way carefully around some shoals to the east of the island and were
very relieved when we entered relatively calm waters in the lee of Marble
Island. As we approached the anchorage a number of masts appeared over the rocky
headland so we were then a bit concerned about how much room would be in the
small bay.
We entered to find three catamarans and a single mono laying at
anchor with plenty of space left for us. Even better, they were cruisers we’d
met along the way. An invite to join everyone else for sundowners a little
later was received almost as our anchor dug into the secure bottom.
We found plenty of room for us at Marble Island's anchorage. |
Pearl Bay to Marble Island – 45.1 Nautical Miles – 7 Hours 50 Minutes
Average Speed 5.75 Knotd Max Speed 9.8 Knots |
The remote Duke Island Group is private property with cattle sheep and deer grazing with a farm stay tourist operation. The owners do not permit public access above the high water mark. |
The anchorage lays in an attractive bay on Marble Island's northern side. |
A quite
small swell was entering the bay but as the boats were being held head to the
SE wind it swept through beam on causing a bit of a roll so Rob rigged our well
proven long snubber bridle arrangement to
bring Our Dreamtime bow on to the swell making life much more comfortable. For
details see our blog How to avoid sleepless nights rolling at anchor.
The sun setting behind Our Dreamtime at Marble Island |
enjoyed a very social couple of hours with everyone courtesy of Greg and Sue
on board their catamaran Sunshine. When
they all told us of moving here from the anchorage at Hunter Island after an
extremely rough time the night before we were very glad we had also discarded
Plan B.
Karen's ultimate revenge on the recalcitrant mackerel tasted fantastic. |
Yet another sunrise underway |
we were up very early again next morning and underway to Digby Island. Once we
cleared the shelter of Marble Island we found the 15-20 SE wind and our planned
course in perfect alignment so we poled the genoa out one side, eased the
mainsail out the other and ran dead downwind wing on wing for the next five hours
until our final approach to Digby Island.
Getting the pole ready to sail wing on wing dead downwind. |
was still blowing fairly hard so we were careful passing between Noel and Digby Islands before looping back
into the anchorage. There were already a number of boats in the bay but we were
able to find a spot reasonably close into the island at the western end of the
bay. There was an annoying swell sweeping into anchorage over the reef between
Digby and Keelan Islands generating an uncomfortable roll. We’ve anchored at Digby before and know that
the tidal run here is considerable. Unfortunately our long snubber-bridle
tactic won’t work if the current changes 180 degrees with the tide and sweeps
you the other way so we just had to grin and bear it.
Marble Island to Digby Island 33.9 Nautical Miles – 5 Hours 48 Minutes
Average Speed 5.8 Knots Max Speed 9.9 Knots |
were in the process of putting on sail covers, tidying up the lines etc after
our passage when we noticed a yacht approaching from the south east that
appeared to be headed between Digby and Keelan. There is no entry to the
anchorage between the islands due to a reef that dries a low tides stretching
between the two. At this point it was only two hours before the coming low so
what water was over the reef was a mass of breaking waves. The charts clearly
show the reef and both pilot guides for the area are very clear that there is
no passage.
We were shocked to see this yacht entering the anchorage over the reef between Digby & Keelan Islands |
boat appeared on our AIS and we soon realised he was actually planning on
coming through there. Rob jumped on the radio and called the boat by name
warning him that there was a reef between him and the anchorage. We received no
reply. We don’t know whether his radio was off, he didn’t hear us or chose to
ignore us but he continued on.
now every person in the anchorage was on deck staring eastward at what appeared
to be impending doom. One of the cruisers had his dinghy in the water and
was prepared to mount a rescue when
they ran aground. Unbelievably the yacht
continued on through the breaking waves. When it was almost into the anchorage
it appeared to suddenly stop and heeled a long way over exposing much of its
hull. We can’t be certain it was aground bit it did seem pinned in position
until another wave swept through and carried it over into the calmer and deeper
The boat seemed to come to a stop here and heeled badly before being washed into the deeper water by a larger wave. |
Lucky escape. |
The near
new Jeanneau then came in and took four attempts to anchor before finally
hooking up. We watched in disbelief as the couple on board then calmly settled
back in the cockpit as if nothing the lightest bit unusual had occurred. We
took careful note of the boat’s name and will ensure it’s nowhere near us in
any future anchorage.
The reef clearly visible at low tide with much of it out of the water. |
Digby Island sunset |
low tide came and went and we swung around to the incoming current. The boat continued to bob up and down and roll
with the swell. The sun set and we were about to go to bed when the anchor
roller began making all sorts of loud, nasty noises. Going forward to investigate
we discovered the anchor chain vertical and extremely tight. The chain was clearly snagged on a rock
directly under the boat and as the tide rose had run out of length. We still had nearly two meters of rise left
in the tide and the anchor snubber was already trying to rip the cleat out of
the deck. It was so tight that it was
impossible to uncleat so Rob cut it free then lowered another few meters of
chain to release the pressure.
then went below and zoomed the chart plotter in to the max to watch for any
movement but the boat was absolutely stationary despite having over 40 meters of
chain out. After about twenty minutes we were discussing mounting an overnight
anchor watch between us and who would do what hours when Rob noticed we had
begun moving on the plotter. Fortunately the extra chain we’d dropped allowed us to
swing enough to unwrap and we were now free. We quickly winched in the extra we’d
put out plus a few meters more to ensure we couldn't swing back far enough to get
caught again.
in these stronger conditions Digby Island was not the pleasant anchorage we’d
experienced on our last visit (A little too Up Close and Personal with Digby Island). We had a very uncomfortable night with
little sleep and were almost relieved when we got out of bed before five, made
a pot of coffee, upped anchor, followed our track out through the western
entrance and set sail for St Bees Island in the dark. We’d anchored there last
year but weren’t happy how close to the coral bombies the reversing currents
put us. This time we planned on picking up one of the moorings in the channel
between St Bees and Keswick for the night.
were obviously not the only ones who had a rough night as two boats had left
before us and a procession of navigation lights was following us. The dawn was spectacular
and worked through a number of very colourful phases.
The evolution of a sunrise at sea. |
Sails on the horizon |
again the wind was from the South East in the 15-20 knot range with a fair
swell still running giving us another deep downwind run. We were able to
maintain good enough speed right through the morning that we were looking at an
early afternoon arrival at St Bees. We saw on our AIS that our new friends on Sunshine and Bella were already approaching the anchorage. As there are only
five moorings we began to wonder if there would be any available when we got
The Beneteau 49 Biddy Hu II sailed past nicely downwind with headsail only |
pointed out that with the early start and the speed we’d made we could reach
Brampton Island well before sunset. In a flash we were working on Plan B again
and changed course to go straight on to one of our favourite anchorages. We were there shortly after three in the
afternoon very pleased with our near sixty mile day’s sail.
Digby Island to Brampton Island 58.6 Nautical Miles – 9 Hours 50 Minutes
Average Speed 6.1 Knots – Max Speed 8.4 Knots |
stayed another two pleasant days at Brampton relaxing and savouring the nice
calm nights and sleep they provided. We spent some time in on the beach at the
mothballed resort and had a great chat with Steve the caretaker. We wrote about the spooky state of the resort
in the blog about our first visit. Brampton Island - An eerie ghost town in paradise.
Time to relax for a couple of days at one of our favourite anchorages |
A couple of visitors on the bow |
Beautiful Brampton Island |
This cat was sitting nicely on the sand an hour later |
Karen had the sketch pad out again capturing more of the island's beauty |
No shortage of fish around Our Dreamtime at Brampton Island |
is a very beautiful island with fantastic sand beaches, clear clean water,
abundant fish and great walking trails through the national park. We love it.
Good night from Brampton Island |
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