Friday 14 June 2024

Environmental Warriors - FREE EBook Download

We are hoping you maybe able to help us with a small project that we have started. For those of you coming into Indonesia this is most relevant. However together we all have a large network and you yourselves may know of more people heading this way, that can help us spread the word.

Sharing is caring!

As you maybe well aware Indonesia has a pollution problem. We might add it’s not the only country in the world with this issue. We are not here to judge or criticise. Our aim is to contribute, in finding solutions for the future generations without passing judgment. Our goal is to demonstrate Indonesia's commitment in acknowledging and addressing this problem and to showcase the progress they have made through their educational initiatives. We have seen first hand how much better the issue is since our first time sailing here in 2011. It’s not that long ago that we were educating our population with the “Cleanup Australia” campaigns, it must be so very difficult in a country made up of over 17000 islands to get the message across.

We have created a FREE interactive Comic Ebook “Our Environmental Warriors” featuring a story about a boy who becomes an Environmental Warrior. The book is written in both English and Bahasa to support children in learning and expanding their english vocabulary.

The Ebook encourages children to participate in cleaning up rubbish, too take a photo of their efforts, and share it with us via WhatsApp or email (they all have WhatsApp👍). We will showcase their photos on the Instagram page "Our Environmental Warriors," celebrating them as the stars and true warriors in the fight to protect our planet.

We encourage sailors or travellers visiting Indonesia to download the book and or share the download link with children and parents they encounter. Sharing the book link via WhatsApp is simple. Maybe also engaging in beach clean-ups with children, taking photos, and sharing them with us, will show unity in our efforts, and sets a positive example.

Our aim is for this initiative to resonate with communities and sailors, emphasizing that the environment is our collective responsibility. Leading by example, “picking up one piece at a time”.

The book is free to download on this link.  We encourage you to share this link on your own social media, WhatsApp, Messenger or Email. Save the link to share it easily with anyone.

The Instagram page link is

You can follow the Instagram page and help us spread the word, join us in the conversation by commenting on what you feel can help the future generations understand the importance of saying no to plastic.

The WhatsApp group is

This is the WhatsApp link to join the conversation and send your photos here, anyone can join.

We would like to ask if you would take some time to download the book and read through it with your children/grandchildren, to see if the story is engaging, if they like it and if you yourself think the program is worthwhile? 

We would love to hear your thoughts. If you would like to share this blog with others and we hope you do here is the link. 

You can share it in many ways on all of your Socials, Blogs, Email and Messenger.  

We thank you in advance for assisting us in this little project. If one Environmental Hero emerges from this comic book we have succeeded. 


Karen and Rob

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